6955 N. Durango Dr. Suite 1115-318 Las Vegas, NV 89149 USA

K3 Marriage Visa

Most K-3 visa petitions are being converted to CR-1 petitions by the National Visa Center.

K3 visas are not faster than CR1 visas.

The K3 visa is no longer be a viable option.

We highly recommend the CR-1 Spousal Visa.

The good news is that the CR1/IR1 visas include the issuance of a Green Card for your spouse within 90 days after he or she arrives in the U.S. which the old K-3 visas did not.  The visa and Green Card processes combined actually costs less than they did under the old K3 spousal visa.

Click Here: CR-1 Spousal Visa



Disclaimer: Filipina Fiancee Visa Service is not associated with any government agency. Our services include everything you need to get your visa and/or green card, but does not include legal services, legal advice or legal representation of any kind. Filipina Fiancee Visa Service is not a law firm and is not licensed to practice law in any state. Neither Filipina Fiancee Visa Service nor its employees claim to have any special knowledge of immigration law and do not give legal advice. Time estimates, which are printed on our website or given over the phone, are just that, estimates, and we do not guarantee that you will have the same results. We have done our very best to give you accurate and realistic time estimates, but there are many factors involved which are beyond our control so processing times will vary, and we make no guarantee that you will have your visa in a certain amount of time.

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